Calling Out My Brothers


Calling Out My Brothers

Calling Out My Brothers

Divinely created with dirt by the hands of God, powerfully being lifted up to His glorious likeness

Worthy stewards of the Earth are ye called to produce labor yielding forth fruits, resulting in the stabilization of the people, the land, and the Spirit World

On your back is the heavy burden of perfectly ordering your steps according to the will of the Most High yet many forsake their cross while consuming the desires of the flesh

Have you forgotten the purpose of this journey? Is your will for your life grander than the plan already ordained before world’s formation?

Seek refuge in the shelter of loving arms embracing your helpmate, for she was created to relieve the hardships plaguing your heart

It is time for the Head to assume the holy position of provider, nurturer, and caregiver instead of leaching, cheating, stealing, and murdering inner peace within your contact

Separate from the rib that gives you air no more, for if you stray your soul will stay behind, leaving you vulnerable for the evil predator’s ravishing

Does the star in your brothers’ eye not twinkle the same as the light within yours? What if the milk he sucked from tasted as sweet as when you nursed from your mothers’ breast?

Life experiences are not to continue as they were before, muster up that faith seed so you can step out with courage as we embark on the revolution as One

Instead of adding to the destruction of this world, we turn onto the straight and narrow golden brick road heading towards righteousness

Inside of every man, woman, and child is the power Angels, Demons, and animals only can dream of, because we are the only Chosen Ones with this loving eternal blessing

Rise MEN of great power the hour has come for you to step into your throne, you have the Earthly status of God and you must earn the title of King

Mountains are waiting for you to cast them into the seas, and Nations are in need of healing, food, shelter, and clothing

I am shouting telepathically into the Spirit World for the souls of ALL Men to shake off hatred, and negativity, we are obligated to forgive past wounds welcoming with love our enemies

Beaming above is the Light of Love waiting to guide your feet into bringing forth the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, therefore rejoice and follow me to Paradise

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awakenedbyaroma commented on Calling Out My Brothers


Hello, Momafortune I enjoy your poetry and look forward to reading your book.



Thank you!

sherry122 commented on Calling Out My Brothers


nice poem



My book! AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON!! The Sun's Love Clothes My Soul, Memoirs of Momafortune By: Tonisha Fortune The Second Coming of Nefertiti is upon you, and in her heart is the key to unlock Heaven on Earth. Come eat from the tree of life, and live forever. The Suns Love Clothes My Soul is the love story of the Second Coming of Nefertiti reincarnated as Tonisha Fortune who was also Eve, and Mary Magdalene. She comes forth at the age of thirty years old during the End Times with a prophetic word from God proclaiming that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. In her yard is the tree of life and whoever eats from it will live forever. Her husband the Messiah reigns as the King of Heaven and Earth, and in her heart is the key to unlock the New World of the 31'st century. 402 pages

sherriee1 commented on Calling Out My Brothers


Thank you for loving so much.You have inspired my heart and put a tear in my eye.You are a blessing.I know the Lord is proud. Sherriee1

keidahough01 commented on Calling Out My Brothers


Hey Moma that was REALLY DEEP food for the soul i will share that eith my brothers and sisters in NC ..

SusanLee commented on Calling Out My Brothers


You have my following for sure Something I would read on quiet afternoons or a need read on loud days I guess a salve for the soul

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

momafortune’s Poems (2)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Calling Out My Brothers 6
Lord of My Love Temple 4