"Butterfly Bondage; Freedom Flight"


"Butterfly Bondage; Freedom Flight"

Butterfly in a jar,...

the wonderful beauty of you in all its splendor.

Bold, and colorful wings of greatness...

They flap on a pre-destined path.

Oh beautiful butterfly, why are you trapped inside a jar?

Why do you distance yourself so afar?.....

The morning sky needs you to fly.

 Oh beauty in a jar, covered in radiance and glow.

Your presence is needed,.....

The world wants your joyous spirit to show.

 Fly beauty, fly! Be free!

No longer shall you be confined within the secret walls forced upon u by "society"...

The binding prison of people's opinion.....

Remove the lid that limits your flight,..the cap that represses you from displaying your glorious might!

 No more Butterfly Bondage!....

**little child walks up & picks up jar & opens it**

*sings* "Butterfly in the sky,..Fly your Freedom Flight!"


 Copyright:All Rights Reserved To KameDaniels

AUTHOR SPEAKZ : -----> So many people are bound and imprisoned in their minds and ability because of "the world's" or "society's" opinion; The world's code of standard.

Alot of "butterflies" are bound or confined "in a jar" b/c of this! Unable to take flight! Unable to reveal the true beauty of them! The Butterfly represents beauty. Not beauty by the world's standard, but by God's eyes!! (when God looks at people, He looks at what's inside) We are His creation!!!

 Alot of times things took place in our childhood (whether its something someone said or did to you) that left you bound in many ways. (mentally, emotionally ect.)

To deal with this, sometimes we have to "go back" and find out exactly when and where we were "locked inside a jar" (emotionally, mentally. ect)

The little child( girl or boy) that opens the jar at the end of the poem represents us "going back" in our childhood.

Back to that hurting place and allowing the healing power of God to penetrate that area! Lastly, the child "opening the jar" represents being free from the hurt and pain that may have come from a or several childhood experiences.

So fly your Freedom Flight!! and be free in Jesus name!!! Be blessed :)>>2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV) For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.


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