

  • Friendship


    What Makes us diffrent brings us closer. Whenever we fight it brings us closer. Whenever we cry it brings us closer. Whenevr we lose ourselves it brings us closer. Nothing not even death can break our bond apart because even after we pass from this world we will become closser than before.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Silver777’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    So Very Thin 0
    Spirit Torn 0
    Eternal Servitude 0
    Hope and Love 0
    Seasons of Darkness 0
    Resurrection 0
    Life without value 0
    Bloodline 0
    The Flow of Love 0
    Curse of Solitude 1
    False Paradise 0
    Blue Fruit Basket 1
    Ballad of a Dead Man 0
    Power 0
    My Freedom 0
    Angels Calling 1
    Signs 0
    Battle Within 0
    Darkness in the Light 0
    Brothers 0
    Shattered 0
    Deaf World 0
    Looming Shadows 1
    Growth 1
    Searching 0