bright hopes


bright hopes

What  lofty  hopes, past  generations  hold..,

They  look  behind  to  their  past  untold,

And  see  their  mistakes  and  regrets…fully  bold,

Written  in  the  annals  of history…marks  of  time,

A story  to  be  read…someday  whether  in  jest

Or  with  reflection, no  one  knows.


And  so  with  mixed  feelings  and  fears,

They  look  ahead  at  what  will  be  another  game  fair,

Either  to  be  bested  by  chance, luck, fate  or  another  seer,

Putting  all  they  have  in  generations, already  born,

Sacrifice, sweat, toil…upholding  the  adamic  curse,

If  only  to  correct  the  past…their  past  in  the  future.


Hence, the  man  looks  on…, onwards,

Hoping  someday  to  see  his  offspring  thrive  towards

What  perharps  will  be  his  ticket  to  that  destiny

Ignored  for  want  of  the  pleasures  that  take  us  backwards,

Till  we  are  shadows  of  who  we  truly  are,

Shadows  of  what  Adam  truly  was  after  the  fall.


And  so  he  waits…,all  day, all  night,

Rolling  in  misery-filled  sleep, wracked  with  nightmares,

Of  a  not  too  distant  past  of  errors  and  mistakes,

Waiting  till  his  toil  yields  dividends  and  sets  him  free,

Free  to  look  at  what  is  the  man  within  and  remark,

I  am  no  failure; not  even a mistake.

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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Bade’s Poems (1)

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