Black Suede Straight Jacket


Black Suede Straight Jacket

Black Suede Straight Jacket
Written by Corey Graham

Spiraling out of control
Manifestations of the past
With old ghosts haunting the depths of dreams

Give a mutiny to the heart
Let go of the inevitable
Dulling emotion with a self-induced apathy

And justice for all
As the slide of the free fall
Releases my demons to their own personal hell

Fuck it all
Fuck everything
Forgive and forget
Is all that is left
In a world that most would die for

Tonight I kill my soul
Blackening your heart
One last kiss goodnight
For old time sake
Cutting your beauty from my unfaithful eyes
Don’t be sad baby
When tonight your angel dies

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Chaos128 commented on Black Suede Straight Jacket


Dark thoughts are always looking for someplace to call home, DD. If you make them comfortable, not only will they hang around, they'll invite their friends. Well etched!

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

DarknessDivine’s Poems (3)

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