Anytime Love


  • Love

    Anytime Love

    Anytime you are near,

    I feel your love warm and true.

    Anytime you're away,

    In my heart I still feel you.

    Anytime I hear your voice,

    a soothing feeling swells within me.

    Anytime I'm in your embrace,

    an never ending comfort fills me.

    Anytime there are worries

    or I am sad or blue,

    Anytime I need uplifted

    Your love will bring me though.

    Anytime you are far way

    I close my eyes and think of you.

    Anytime you need my love

    Is when my heart embraces you.

    Anytime, be it near or far,

    we kindle the warmest fire.

    Anytime you share your love,

    my mind swims with sweet desire.

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    redbloodink commented on Anytime Love


    All the time love... Sounded like you were talking to God... about His love and compassion for all of us.... nice no matter what.... red

    origionalmerlin commented on Anytime Love


    as it is. ..just right( hey im a taurus too) guess its that herd instinct taureans have i like this one because it is.. andrew

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    purpleswan’s Poems (37)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Kiss 1
    Loves Strong Hold 0
    Purple Skies 1
    I'm in Charge of My Life 2
    If I Could Put into Words.... 5
    Go Ahead......Lo
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    Wandering in the Night 6
    Sweet Goodbye 4
    The Look of Love 6
    Time to Move On 5
    My Heart Hurts 9
    Lonely as the Wind 3
    For You My Love 3
    The Trial of the Waves 2
    A Happy Season's Joy 2
    Protection 1
    Hold Me In Your Arms 6
    Music of my Dream 6
    The Awakening 8
    Just Me 4
    The Road 6
    I Refuse to Die 5
    TRUTH 3
    The Son Shines in My Soul 3
    Never Doubt Your Heart 3
    A Safe Place 4
    Everlasting Freindship 4
    Is it Real? 2
    Anytime Love 2
    Your Face in My Dreams 2
    Dreams and Rainbows 2
    Beyond the Sunset 3
    Days to Years 2
    For Your Eyes Only 3
    Life's Dream 6
    The Night Sky Sings 5