AM I The One?


  • Confusion

    AM I The One?


    I hear it ring, ring, ring
    Do I answer or not?
    Let it ring, ring, ring
    There goes those thoughts
    Jumping around in my head
    Am I the one
    Is it for me, crazy I say.
    It is only a phone call
    Am I the one
    Who is on the other end?
    Quiet the fear I feel inside
    Unknown name, unknown number
    Am I the one
    I hear it ring, ring, ring
    I answer, sounds I hear
    A person on the other end
    Am I the one
    Hello, hello, hello
    Am I the one
    Not I for they don’t answer
    Why? Am I not the one
    Never answer again
    Let it ring, ring, ring
    I am not the one.

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    Bladebearer commented on AM I The One?


    Nice. I feel that way too.



    Thanks, but I am sorry you have to feel that way. Hope it is better now.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    imyourbrat’s Poems (1)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    AM I The One? 1