agaisnt her God


  • Blue

    Poem Commentary

    this about a tragic lost.

    agaisnt her God

    i was with an angel once in my life,
    an angel whom i wanted to be my wife.

    she smiled, laughed and wanter to stay forever,
    i celebrated for she was my priceless treasure.

    we were bonded by this special feeling that we have,
    science cant quantify this feeling we call love.

    an angel as she was, her God wanted her back,
    knowing what can happen, we both made a pact.

    this consists of not letting go and making a way,
    for me to wait and to think of her each day.

    i felt glorious, better than Him and sure,
    but fighting a God is no easy task even with a love so pure.

    so she flew up to heaven with all her promises intact,
    then she shattered it all once, to Him, she got back.

    in another lifetime, we will be together,
    and i'll make sure we'll have forever.

    'coz i want her to know that with everything, i wont let this go,
    that with all of me, my love to her, i'll always show.

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    Tempy commented on agaisnt her God


    thats really nice. I love the colour blue. I really do.



    tempy i'm just another writer from australia



    im rheinhart. and u are?

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    royalblue88’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    bound on paper to another 0
    i like you 0
    stigmatized 0
    deepest gratitude 0
    my own twilight 0
    sorrowful surrender 0
    agaisnt her God 1