I believe I told you this before,
My love for you is forever nevermore,
You hurt me, made our relationship a chore,
I thought you ws the one, I thought I had a score,
But you constantly hurt me, why need I implore,
Why should I ask you questions I've asked you before,
And you gave the same answer and to what lore,

You bash on me and I thought I could just soar,
Back to your arms which is now nevermore,
Need I say that it is you who I now abhor,
You took im my heart, played with it, then threw it to the floor,

Indeed, you hurt me, butchered my heart with an oar,
Dragged it on the floor, then careened it out the door,
Why? So I can wear that face I already wore,
When all hell crashed down on me, and to what for,

You filled me with pain, played with my heart more,
More and more times, just to go with someone you went with before,
And I wonder, why did I cry to you, a filthy little whore,
Whose love for others is dead, and you still seem to gore,
A very big and deep hole in my heart, and I wonder what for,
As of deression from you, I let out one final roar,
I've had it, I'm through, I'll hate you forever more,
From "The Raven" consider me the raven, and let me adore,
That dear od saying that you've probably heard before,
And you ask, "Do L love you anymore?"
Nor will I say yes, but I will say, and quoteth the raven,

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

JQ’s Poems (1)

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