A secret


  • Sadness

    A secret

    when (shit) gets really bad
    (like now)
    i always (pretend) like
    i'm in a movie,
    that way
    you can make
    all the appropriate faces,
    the (perfect)(poignant)(tear-jerking)
    the one that changes everything
    and then everything
    right when you want it to
    you can literally make things happen
    without (really)
    being there when they
    immature, i know,
    but it's the best way
    (i could think of)
    to deal

    ----cut to small boy kneeling in shadowy
    hallway, tear-stained cheeks,
    blank, unfocused stare

    and then that way
    you can control
    lighting, mood
    the whole damned sha-bang
    (Supporting Actress)

    ----psychedelic, blinding,
    sun-glared window-paned backdrop,
    little girl, two-and-a-half,
    climbing yellow
    and white checkered curtains
    suspended above crib

    the fuzzy, faded, low-angled childhood
    flashbacks are what
    make a great film

    ----infuse garbled voices echoing
    through a futuristic sort of intercom,
    over clackety-clack of type-writer

    her burden is yours (mine/theirs)
    theirs is mine (yours/hers)
    a secret to keep
    why i turn away from your playful touch
    at nighttime (secrets/plot-twists/it's so
    all-consuming if you just let it/)

    ----cut to adult female, lurched over
    stained porcelain bowl,
    dry-heaving, shirtless, putrid-pink
    pajama pants down around

    the curse
    the cliche of a lifetime
    (cringe, faint applause)
    renewed again and again
    (Based on a True Story)
    the real-life film noir

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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