A Mother Lost


  • Loss

    A Mother Lost

    Sixteen years have so quickly gone
    But my love for you is forever strong
    My empty heart aches for you
    My only son

    An ocean cant hold the tears I've shed
    So many times I've wished myself dead
    There is a hole in my soul where my beautiful boy should live
    To have you back for a moment
    My life I would gladly give

    In my heart Son you will forever be
    Until God comes down from Heaven
    And finally sets me free

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    shannie76 commented on A Mother Lost


    This is so powerful. I really feel your pain. I can't stand the thought even of losing a child. It has to be the worse pain you can go through.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    bcougar71’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Anticipation 0
    Darkness 1
    A Mother Lost 1
    Desire 0