A Constant Fear


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A Constant Fear

The silence is thick and it smothers

The stillness beckons a movement but there is none

Out of the corner something moves

It is Fear coming back to seize my thoughts

I close my eyes hoping to camoflouge

I feel it thumping my chest

My teeth start to grind

Through my closed eyes I see flashes of light

People are screaming, you can see their words

but you hear nothing

All at once the explosions blast and your body quivers

You know whats going to happen next

You have seen it before and you cant stop it

Fear has pity on you this night and he lets you breath

He allows you to open your eyes

You dont have to live a past life tonight

In the corner you see something move

It is Fear creeping out, you see his words

Til tommorrow my friend, I will see you again

Now nothing but tears.

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FindingJune commented on A Constant Fear


Wonderful writing here Gun. PTSD is a vicious creature. I have known people who suffer in it's grip, and I suppose I do a bit as well. I understand the constant fear and the toll it takes on your mind, and soul. You are not alone, my friend. Be well.



thank you and I think that I know what you are talking about with your PTSD. Just from the chat board tonight. If you would like write me and talk to me. I love to listen and although I dont have great advice maybe we could help each other. thanks for the comment



thank you and I think that I know what you are talking about with your PTSD. Just from the chat board tonight. If you would like write me and talk to me. I love to listen and although I dont have great advice maybe we could help each other. thanks for the comment

DuckieoutaH20 commented on A Constant Fear


Ay I just want to thank you for allowing me in....Its a difficult place to IMAGINE an you took me there and brought me back, safely...thank you

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

gunshow’s Poems (1)

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A Constant Fear 2