3 Qs


  • Love

    3 Qs

    Have you seen her face, Tina?

    The clear clouds in her eyes, small

    Parting their lids, not without effort

    Soft, exquisite, compelling and true;

    Somewhat black, somewhat brown,

    Marbles with liquid interior;

    A kitten craving to be pampered.


    Have you felt her skin; Tina?

    Chocolate, beaten, tamed laced in milk

    Your hand gliding to her smoothness,

    Your lips painted in the softness, the

    Warmth of her spine, pores open and close,

    Curves on her hips…

    The world is but pain, her body is but grace.


    Have you kissed her lips; Tina?

    Allowed the transport to another world,

    Red, juicy, horny if I must say.

    Cherry and berry hide your face

    What I taste got not a name, you’ll know

     What I mean when my feet touch the ground.


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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    fonyuyson’s Poems (7)

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