Original Poetry Forums

I hate the 100 word minimum comment

05-26-2009 at 12:31:35 PM

I hate the 100 character minimum comment

Does everyone here hate the 100 character comment minimum as much as I do?

Last edited by castlemist 06-04-2009 at 01:21:06 PM

06-01-2009 at 01:35:07 AM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Yes I try to post a short comment and it would not let me post it.
oh oh

06-02-2009 at 12:17:55 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

On the up-side of things, there are many publishers who require writers to give 100 word summaries of your work. It's a good exercise ... but ,yes decidedly inconvenient and quizzical to prevent someone delivering a clever quip.

06-02-2009 at 02:21:06 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

In reality, the 100 character comment
should be easy as we are creative writers.

Remember, it's 100 characters not words,
so you can fill in the empty space of reaching 100
by simply pressing the period key ..........................
until you have reached the characters needed as each
"period" is a character.

Anyway, 100 charcters is a good exercise in writing profound comments,
comments that mean something more than a simple, "I like it".

Castlemist, I have been trying to get on to your
page, and I am having no luck. I just cannot open it.

I will keep trying!

Last edited by dahlusion 06-02-2009 at 02:25:03 PM

06-02-2009 at 03:37:43 PM

Re: Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Originally Posted by dahlusion

Anyway, 100 charcters is a good exercise in writing profound comments,
comments that mean something more than a simple, "I like it".

Yes, and this was our intention actually. People were complaining they'd get someone "driving by" their poem and blasting up a "hated it." and giving it a 1. Now they have to explain themselves more. On the flip side, I can see a place for a quick comment. A catch 22 really, but I personally think its better overall with the 100 character limit.

-Papa Paczki snake

06-02-2009 at 03:53:30 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Maybe you're right. I just don't like restrictions.


hey D, try this link:


06-02-2009 at 04:00:51 PM

Re: Re: Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Originally Posted by papapaczki

Originally Posted by dahlusion

Anyway, 100 charcters is a good exercise in writing profound comments,
comments that mean something more than a simple, "I like it".

Yes, and this was our intention actually. People were complaining they'd get someone "driving by" their poem and blasting up a "hated it." and giving it a 1. Now they have to explain themselves more. On the flip side, I can see a place for a quick comment. A catch 22 really, but I personally think its better overall with the 100 character limit.

-Papa Paczki snake

I used to run Cafe Poetry years ago (97 thru '00) and I understand the delimmas. This is what I was shooting for all those years ago. It was too much work to try to do this for people manually. Great job...I do have one request..can you link our profiles to our personal homepages..especially if we have our own URLs. Open it in a new window of course. I did that at the Cafe.

Last edited by castlemist 06-02-2009 at 04:03:26 PM

06-02-2009 at 07:01:06 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

I don't really understand the requirement in these days of "Less is More", but it doesn't bother me. I just add a few more adjectives. LOL

Last edited by Chaos128 06-02-2009 at 07:04:21 PM

06-02-2009 at 07:34:41 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

I actually don't mind the 100 word comments. It gives people an opportunity to give true feed back to the poems and not as you say just do a drive by. I'm just confused that sometimes when I read other peoples comments on some of the poems they have only put a couple words. Maybe they did the ...... thing and I just never noticed it before. I know I appreciate getting more feed back than just "nice poem" This is really the best poetry site I've come across so far. I know some people were complaining about comments covering their profile pages. but I love that addition too. I hated having to search through each one to see if I had any comments. Thank you so much for creating this site.

06-02-2009 at 09:23:04 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Yes sir, it is very annoying as your basically force to take up space you often don't need. blank stare

06-02-2009 at 11:49:54 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

I am a new member and still feeling myself around...

On my first visit I navigated to a poem by
origionalmerlin and liked it so went to make a short comment... something profound like "I like it", and was surprised when confronted with the 100 word "restriction"... but, found that it made me think why I liked it... so the contribution became more one of self-reflection on why I like any poem, by others and byjax.... I like that reflection. It makes the comment more meaningful, and more contributive.

The irony is, as I "self-reflect" on it, that when I finish a poem my immediate comment to myself is something like "Self, I like it" without thinking why. I think that thinking why might make me like poems byme more. I don't know why.

I'd vote to keep the 100 character minimum.. but then again, I'm a newbee so what to I know? I dunno. (-:

06-03-2009 at 10:09:27 AM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

I actually do sort of hate it. I mean, I appreciate folks having to give actual feedback, but, for me, having to say something and meet 100 characters means that I'll babble up to and beyond that amount. Not really a problem. Doing it right now, in fact.

The other thing it does is instantly tell me that the new pieces I've put up are sitting there gathering dust because the same most recent comment has been greeting me for days so I already know the new stuff hasn't been seen...or maybe it has, but hasn't attracted feedback because nobody wants to be accused of flaming when they don't like it or blowing sunshine when they do.

There, you see? 100 plus characters. No sweat!


06-04-2009 at 12:08:45 PM

Re: Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Originally Posted by am2anangel

I actually don't mind the 100 word comments. It gives people an opportunity to give true feed back to the poems and not as you say just do a drive by. I'm just confused that sometimes when I read other peoples comments on some of the poems they have only put a couple words. Maybe they did the ...... thing and I just never noticed it before. I know I appreciate getting more feed back than just "nice poem" This is really the best poetry site I've come across so far. I know some people were complaining about comments covering their profile pages. but I love that addition too. I hated having to search through each one to see if I had any comments. Thank you so much for creating this site.

I agree am2anangel- There are various ways to put together a Group Forum [and we've seen most if we've looked for them], but this one is refreshingly different. What separates them is a sense of undaunted coziness which is inherent with its focus on friendship. grin

06-04-2009 at 01:08:34 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

No I love to run my mouth so I have hundred words before you know it

06-04-2009 at 01:11:30 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Again, It is not 100 words, it is only "100 characters".
So it's not that hard.

100 words would be a bit to demanding.

Last edited by dahlusion 06-04-2009 at 01:13:26 PM

06-04-2009 at 06:03:23 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Not really, because any comment worth reading should be more that 100 characters.

06-05-2009 at 12:48:18 AM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

OT - newbee here... I posted a poem copied and pasted and a glomb of html was inserted in the front.. tried to edit it out, but it is still there... am I stuck?

I think it would have taken up the 100 character limit before it got to the meat.


06-05-2009 at 05:38:19 PM

Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

Lol, Dahlusion what are we going to do with em, lol, people are never satisfied, How about this, Copy and paste your favorite lines mentioning that you like them the best, give them ideas, any ways I see everyones point but


06-06-2009 at 06:37:00 PM
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Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

You can always send a private message to the author if you don't want to use 100 words or more.

06-08-2009 at 02:08:40 PM

Re: Re: I hate the 100 word minimum comment

It seems to be a regular feature with a few of our postings. 'Took me a while but I eventually understood that the edit button is off to the left under the poem selection frame, not where you might think it should be - under the poem you want to edit!

Another suggestion which might help to avoid bugs is to use wordpad .
and/ or, If it's saved in rtf format that should make pasting a clean action.

Originally Posted by byjax

OT - newbee here... I posted a poem copied and pasted and a glomb of html was inserted in the front.. tried to edit it out, but it is still there... am I stuck?

I think it would have taken up the 100 character limit before it got to the meat.


Last edited by NevillePark 08-14-2009 at 03:10:17 PM

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.