Original Poetry Forums

My son the trumpet player

06-01-2010 at 12:13:54 AM

My son the trumpet player

My son had the honor of playing Taps on his trumpet today. He is in the
army reserves and plays a fine trumpet. We have a motor home out at
a privately owned campground….the owners of the site have a ceremony
in honor of all those who have served in the military. They have asked
my son to play the trumpet on Memorial Day for the past 4 years. He was
so impressive in his dress uniform as he played flawlessly through Taps
and our national anthem………….you can’t know how proud I was today
……it was a truly heart felt memorial day for all…………….I hope everyone
said a silent prayer today for all the men and women who served, and are serving,
in our proud military….

06-01-2010 at 02:14:55 AM

RE: My son the trumpet player


I am thinking that the occasion with your son playing taps was not only a proud event, but a very solemn one for you, ,as well. We used to have a youth who was leader of the Church's Scout Troop who played taps on his trumpet so feelingly that an old lady wept copiously, every year. She had lost her brothers in World War One. Good things tend to suffer a short life. When that young man went away, no one took his place. I hope should your son go away to see the wider world, there will be someone to succeed him on the trumpet, and may your son never be called to war. The words of taps were posted in POETIC JOURNALISM. I used to think that there was a single stanza. There are actually three stanzas.
I am planning to call you one of these days on Skype......Chao! .

06-01-2010 at 08:13:21 PM

RE: My son the trumpet player

Thanks for the words, cousin........I do hope that my son isn't called to fight
over in some God forsaken, no-man's land.............but, I'm sure if he is called,
he will go without the slightest hesitation......


06-02-2010 at 03:34:09 AM

RE: My son the trumpet player

Hello gogant...By coincidence my daughter was also standing at attention next to the color guard yesterday to play Taps for the VFW and others in our town...it is so touching to hear that song played, not many dry eyes afterwords! God Bless your son and all troops!

06-02-2010 at 07:47:27 PM

RE: My son the trumpet player

That is a pleasant thing to hear, Sam.........The playing of Taps is truly
moving, and I know that we all appreciate the meaning........

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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