Original Poetry Forums


03-06-2010 at 04:15:44 PM


A poem dedicated to saving the environment and preventing more global warming...



Wake up everybody-
The Earth is melting in global warming!
We can become extinct,
Just like the dinosaurs did!
And not from a fallen asteroid
But from what we ourselves did
To Our Mother Earth,
Who is now ailing and hurt,
Crying for help with teardrops of melting ice
But her sobs remain unheard.
Will we give her the attention needed?
Or will we leave her crying and unheeded?

She cries
With teardrops of
Melting Ice-
Right before our eyes!
Our Mother cries
For help and screams:” Save me!”
But we can’t see,
Nor can we hear
Her cries,
Because our eyes are blind
And we have deaf ears
For many, many years…

Mother Earth cries with black tears,
Her skin is cracked and dry-
Where once were pastures- now just desert land.
Her face is blackened by
Poisonous carbon dioxide gasses
As her rainforests are turned into ashes…

The Earth is crying with black tears
Of carbonic and toxic emissions
But her sobs fall on deaf ears
As her human offsprings continue to destroy her
Without her permission.

She keeps sending warning after warning-
Tsunami waves and earthquakes,
Tornados, storms and hurricanes-
All expression of her pains
But no one understands…
Or no one seems to care about her ailing
As ignorance among the people
Is all-prevailing.

How can we save her-Our ailing Mother-
With her valleys, forests and fresh water ponds,
When we can’t even save ourselves from ourselves.
This is what our loving Mother ponders…

Only in her womb we can abide
But time is not on our side….
Will we be able to survive
If our Mother Earth one day dies???

March 6 2010

cheesecool grincool smirkbig surprisecool madexcaimquestion

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)