Original Poetry Forums

POSITIVE INSPIRATIONS - Call for Submissions

03-01-2010 at 12:16:00 PM

POSITIVE INSPIRATIONS - Call for Submissions

Show The World Your Talent and Create A Positive Impact On The HIV/AIDS Pandemic!

The Friends of AIDS Foundation is calling upon the creative community to help combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic and would like to invite your participation.

POSITIVE INSPIRATIONS is an upcoming publication that will feature art, photographic, and literary works of spiritual influence for the purpose of raising the level of HIV awareness and creating a positive impact on the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic is likely the greatest global health challenge of our lifetime and according to UNAIDS is not expected to plateau until 30-40 years from now. There are 33 million people infected with HIV worldwide; thousands dying each day from complications arising from AIDS; thousands more becoming newly infected daily; 25 percent of those positive are still unaware of their status; and an alarming amount of people that do not have access to the lifesaving HIV medications needed.

Art is the universal language that has the power to bring together diverse people to hear an important message. Artistic expression has the capability to educate, motivate, and empower people to affect change. This project is about inspiring others through your creativity to make a change.

We are currently seeking submissions from individuals interested in donating their talent to help us combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, you do not want to miss this opportunity to gain exposure for yourself while joining in our fight against HIV/AIDS.

We invite you to visit: http://www.friendsofaids.org/PositiveInspirations for all the details.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.