Original Poetry Forums

Chat Live with B.M. Song (BrielleC)!!

01-20-2010 at 11:29:17 PM

Chat Live with B.M. Song (BrielleC)!!

Hello My fellow poets!!
Another fellow poet gave me the idea to start a chat room so that other poets can chat with me on here! Thanks Plot121 for that! I took it and ran with it. Not only will I offer a monthly chat on original poetry so that other poets can talk to me about my work and how things are going as a published poet... I've also created a chat room on my site! This will probably be every 3 months as time permits.

I will post dates of those chats, as well as the monthly chats on here. They will usually occur around the end of the month.

Like now!! LOL

The first Live Poetry Chat on here will be:

Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 @ 7PM!!

You will see my chat room listed on the User created Chat usually under
"B.M. Song Live Poetry Chat."

Hope to see you there!!

Bri smile

01-25-2010 at 11:20:05 PM

RE: Chat Live with B.M. Song (BrielleC)!!

I am happy to see BrielleC do well with her new found success. I also have things in the works to revamp the way poets get a residual income from thier poems. Prices need to be set Logos need to be made but the basic frame work is coming together nicely will keep you all in the loop. I want to congradulate BrielleC again and hope I see all the old UPA group there to say hello to an this outstanding poet. Please Take care and for all that you who have forgotten what I am about well Papa got a brand new bag and you better watch out I am about to turn the whole idea of marketing poetry on it's knees. Take care all and please be there at the chat room. Plot121. Aka Robert...winkwinkwinkwink Gotcha!!!!!

01-26-2010 at 09:24:04 AM

RE: Chat Live with B.M. Song (BrielleC)!!

Thanks, Plot!!

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.