Original Poetry Forums

Introducing OriginalPoetry.com 2.0!

12-29-2009 at 11:11:27 AM

Introducing OriginalPoetry.com 2.0!

OriginalPoetry.com Built with changes and features that you've requested, we are proud to announce the launch of OriginalPoetry.com 2.0!

With revamped advanced searching, improved chat, forums, and a completely new home area, OriginalPoetry.com can now help you better connect with Poets from around the world. This new layout is more functional, and has better performance to make your experience more enjoyable.

New Features:

1. Enhanced Reading Room - Here you'll find every poem at your finger tips. This area includes an easy to use search box, a comprehensive list of poems, a tag cloud, and a preview box for each poem.

2. New Contests Area - Never again will you have to dig through your friends list, and their friend's lists to find poems in the contest. The contest area now features a complete listing of all available contest poems. In here you can also see the most recent winner, and view all past winners.

3. New Poet Search - No more Russian Roulette style searching. This advanced real time Poet search will guide you to the poet you're looking for. You can even get a preview of them before going to their profile.

4. New Poem Search - A powerful yet simple search tool to find the right poem. Complete with poem preview, author, number of comments, and the date it was created, you'll have no more trouble finding poems.

5. Original Poetry Toolbar - At the top, you'll see a toolbar with your waiting friend requests, private messages, and quick links to any part of your profile home area.

Improved Home Area:

1. Profile Home - Your profile home page now defaults to Friend and Group Activity. You'll find Recent Comments and Original Poetry News along side of it. We've also made it easier for you to quickly update your profile picture. Along the right column, you'll find a categorized navigation, and the Facebook fan box. Be sure to become a fan!

2. Profile Privacy Settings - You've asked for ways to help protect your identity, and we've responded. You can now hide your Age, Location, and Gender.

3. Original Poetry News - You'll find announcements and updates from the Original Poetry team here. We're working harder to keep everyone informed of changes and updates.

4. Alternative Content - We've moved the Alternative Content flag to a per-poem basis. When you submit a new poem, you'll have the option to flag it for adult audiences, rather than block minors and non-alternative readers from your entire collection.

More To Come:

Even with all the new features, we're still adding more. You've requested a great deal of tools and features, and we're aiming to implement them all.

1. Games - We're building an entire suite of games for your enjoyment. Coming in early 2010, we'll be rolling out the first couple.

2. Groups - We're adding the ability for you to create and manage your own groups. Each group will have their own private chat area, forum, and home page.

3. Instant Messaging - Sometimes you want to chat with your friends, but in private, and without having to leave your home area, or reading area. We're working on implementing instant messaging that will give you a chance to chat one on one with your friends in real time.

4. New Contests - New contests, better and alternate rating system, and user run contests are in the works. No more having to manage the contest, and run it within the forums. You'll soon be able to create, advertise, and manage your contests within the Contests area.

Remember to keep suggestions coming by sending feedback, or posting in the forums. We're always looking for more ways to keep you occupied, and make your visit more enjoyable.

We know you'll enjoy the new OriginalPoetry.com! Take some time to explore it, and let us know what you think. If you have any trouble finding your way around, contact us, and we'll get you going in the right direction.

We look forward to what the future will bring to poetry and wish everyone well as we enter into 2010.

Happy New Year,

The Original Poetry Team

01-07-2010 at 09:35:49 PM

RE: Introducing OriginalPoetry.com 2.0!

I probably should get use to it by I liked old design better. And it was more intuitive.

01-08-2010 at 05:09:07 PM

RE: RE: Introducing OriginalPoetry.com 2.0!

Originally Posted by "Forestbird"

I probably should get use to it by I liked old design better. And it was more intuitive.


Last edited by cousinsoren 01-08-2010 at 05:10:15 PM

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.