Original Poetry Forums

Best Selling Author Status!!!

12-09-2009 at 06:18:36 AM

Best Selling Author Status!!!

New Book Releases by Bestselling Author Beverly Cialone
Beverly Cialone is marked as the ireadiwrite Publishing bestselling author for the month of November. Cialone is known for her erotic and ensconcing romance novellas.

In The Eye of the Beholder

PR Log (Press Release) – Dec 07, 2009 – November was a landmark month for sales for the new digital publisher, ireadiwrite Publishing, which publishes new authors across a wide variety of literary fiction and poetry. This month also saw a marked expansion to additional eBook sellers, all of which are showing growing sales across a variety of their books.

But the bestseller prize went to Beverly Cialone and her books IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER and COMING HOME, which saw record sales. Originally published in June 2009, COMING HOME is the story of Ashley and Nick, who are reunited after the death of Ashley's parents. IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER is the first person tale of a woman with self esteem issues who falls for a handsome doctor who happens to be blind. Both romance novellas are doing well across all stores.

Cialone has recently released her first erotica piece, SONG OF THE SOUTH, which is also experiencing growing sales.

All of Cialone's work can be purchased from the ireadiwrite Publishing online store or from fine eBook sellers like Amazon, Books on Board, OmniLit, Smashwords & Mobipocket.
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ireadiwrite Publishing is a digital small press featuring new writers of literary fiction and poetry across a wide variety of genres. Our books are available in eBook sellers worldwide and in our own online store in multiple, non-DRM formats.

12-10-2009 at 04:37:34 PM

Re: Best Selling Author Status!!!

Congrats!!! I may submit my new book of poetry when it gets done along with other wiritngs i am working on to them. who knows, depends on how well this one sells on Amazon!

Bri smile

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)