Original Poetry Forums

SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

03-21-2009 at 06:54:31 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

There seems to be a lot of malicious ratings going on lately. Due to this battle between some other poets, people's work and ratings have been slashed just out of spitefulness.
I'm sure you (the site creator) did not anticipate this immaturity when you set this website up, but it seems now more than ever, due to this behavior, a limit needs to be put in place wherein you cannot rate a piece without commenting first...and identifying yourself...is that in the works?

03-21-2009 at 07:16:37 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

Speechless - and that is saying something. I feel exhausted, like I have just finished refereeing a WWF card. What sk said or maybe a probation situtation where your rating rights are suspended for a time? I don't know - it's been so long since I was six years old.

03-22-2009 at 12:06:36 AM
  • epiksonik
  • epiksonik
  • Posts: 44

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop


If an asteroid falls of the wagon and creates a crater, can it repent and go to rehab?


No, its obliterated.
Something else.

Last edited by epiksonik 03-22-2009 at 04:05:27 AM

03-22-2009 at 05:15:46 AM
  • studly111
  • studly111
  • Posts: 46

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

It is most disconcerting to read the hyperbole, allegations, recriminations and general shit-slinging being posted in this forum! I must clarify for the record that I have, in fact supported Freestyle in this matter of being possibly banned from the website as I believe that a "Lenny Bruce" type scenario might develop; as guilt or innocence should be determined on the preponderance of the evidence and not based on the sheer number of complaints! I will not rescind my support nor retract my statement due to the simple fact that it is the right of Freestyle to express himself that I am defending, and NOT Freestyle personally. I wouldn't give three shits in a teapot if Freestyle was a menage of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Idi Amin with Osama Bin Laden thrown on top as a maraschino cherry! Freestyle is the variable here-the constant is our right of self expression! What we have here instead, is a full-blown pissing contest!!! Let's project this out a little further, shall we? Would it not be fair to say that these personal issues are beyond the scope of not only this forum, but of the website itself? If they are beyond the scope of this forum, then suffice it to say that all of these recent postings are not appropriate! If they are not appropriate, then who will be the one to be the first to HAVE SOME BRAINS, SHOW SOME WISDOM AND TO WALK THE F**K AWAY!!! You guys are all fine poets! Channel your energy into your work-harness your hostility and rage in order to produce better, more mature, well crafted verse! I will turn 51 in a few weeks-just long enough to have discovered the grace and strength to simply WALK AWAY!!! Remember, the best revenge is to live well and to be successful! angry SMARTEN UP, PEOPLE!!! mad

Last edited by studly111 03-22-2009 at 05:20:22 AM

03-22-2009 at 05:11:06 PM
  • freestyleTATA
  • freestyleTATA
  • Posts: 9

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

I wish it would stop 2, but everytime I turn around somebody starten crap with me.
I did not start this.
I am just defending myself cool smile

I agree with SK in the ratings & comments.
If U don't comment then U can't rate.
Sounds good 2 me.
cool grin

Last edited by freestyleTATA 03-22-2009 at 05:13:30 PM

03-28-2009 at 02:12:14 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

SK.. yes, that is in the works. Absolutely. You and your peers have been asking for that modification and we are working on it.

03-28-2009 at 04:34:25 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

This is the way to go. Perhaps we had to get to this problem in order to find the solution.
Take a look at the stars, FoF - we need you twinkling. My father use to tell me - Hell's on earth
because it's the only way we can make free choice. Stay in, or change it.

04-14-2009 at 10:04:17 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

I have written a poem to the rate raper or rapers Please read...
Its dedicated to the "rate raper" it's called "For You"

with concern and love,

Stephenmichael.(Stephen) wink

I also agree with sk... No comment no rate...simple,easy,affective zipper

Last edited by stephenmichael 04-14-2009 at 10:09:30 PM

04-14-2009 at 11:27:45 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

I can only say even with all the negative baggage being carried on here that this is a cutting edge site destined for really good things. "Originalpoetry" ... You're TOPSHELF!
I mean that in every sense of the word as we're all witnessing. Confidence permeates the being of every single poet and/or poetess associated here per your organizational skills. Thank you ladies and gents whom make all possible. You may not can see it just yet, but there is a standing ovation out here and it's highly contagious. We thank you! cool smile

04-16-2009 at 01:39:53 AM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

I don't usually get into these thing's ,but enough is enough I challange the people to come forward that is ripping all the rating's! What you don't like my pic?Fine you don't like me ?Fine that has nothing to do with my work so why can't you do in the light what you do in the dark?Are you that big of a coward come on out we are all waiting,and are you so stupid that you can't see tearing a feather rating down has nothing to do with what people write about what they feel about our work?You just look more and more like the ass you are,I think a publisher would go by more of the meaning and writing then a feather anyway.

04-19-2009 at 12:27:32 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

DrivingCzar.. thank you, very much appreciated.

As for the rating system.. we are working on the new one now. We think you'll really like it, it was in large part based on your suggestions. Please bear with us, we should be launching it shortly. We appreciate your patience.

04-19-2009 at 06:13:42 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

You're welcome and deservedly so. Keep up the good work.

04-20-2009 at 06:53:28 AM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

battling should be done on forums and away from ratings and chat which were designed with different intentions in mind.

Also i would like for both sides of the battled to be viewed by an audience.

04-20-2009 at 11:17:25 AM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

I absolutely agree that a new rating system needs to be put in place! It is so refreshing and enlightening to hear that one is in the works. We come together here as artists and expect encouragement and constructive criticism regarding our work. It has been so refreshing to come across such supportive fellow artists on this site. I feel that if you are willing to rate our work then you must be willing to offer some form of constructive comments that will help us grow as artists…regarding this bashing in the ratings it is apparent whoever is behind it is not a true artist…

I am looking forward to the new rating system and commend your efforts to continue to provide us all with a system that will help us with the opportunity to grow as creative individuals... smile

Last edited by mgolda22 04-20-2009 at 11:19:16 AM

04-20-2009 at 01:43:10 PM
  • Di
  • Di
  • Posts: 9

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

I can't believe what I am reading here. Instead of letting this site be for what it was made for, which is writing, all I see is a bunch of childish behavior. Fighting doesn't belong on the site. Keep your personals personal and let those of us that are here to write do thier writing. angry

04-20-2009 at 09:55:50 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

Why average the ratings? Why not post the individual numbers? It would give a true perspective of readers feedback. The rate ripper terrorists low ratings would glare out and lose their effectiveness in lowering average scores. Goodbye terrorists, goodbye rippers. Comments and ratings could still be exclusive and optional. For those who would like an average we can throw out the low and high score and average the remainder like a sporting event!

Last edited by dancingbear 04-20-2009 at 10:00:06 PM

04-22-2009 at 02:37:45 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

Its nice to see the involvement of so many here to make things better. I was not looking for a place of negativity, there are some of those out there. I have only seen a site that is growing rapidly and has a good group of people I would like to associate with. Heck, I don't leave a rating or comment on everything I read here, nor does everyone who looks over my stuff. I'm working towards leaving more detailed comments on what I read, as I would hope others do for me. The new system should help things out a bit. I will continue to spread the news of this site to others who I'm sure write better than myself. Be well, all of you and keep posting
ken cool smile

Last edited by kdarcy 04-22-2009 at 02:38:24 PM

04-23-2009 at 03:36:17 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

Once again this is happening to me! I can't help but take this negative rating with no comments personally. Some of these poems are too dear to my heart to allow this to happen. I am giving serious thought to just removing them all until something is done about it!! ~Sara

04-23-2009 at 08:01:26 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

Sara I am sorry this happened to you! I was just on your site the other day and saw several high scores...don't let this coward get to you...we have all been targeted and it is infuriating...so immature. But if you read your comments you will see that your poems are very much enjoyed by many readers...that's what I took comfort in when I got hit...clips said they are working on a new system so we just need to hang in there until they have it in place. Hang in there! grin

04-23-2009 at 10:24:02 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

Sara, sk, I have considered creasing posts myself. I don't feel we are alone and that is not good for us or the site. A friend of mine from another site has just come over, what will he think? Let us all hold out hope the new rating system will help, it will not remove all the problems though. I'm glad to be here, thanks to all who have made me feel welcome. I have many to keep in touch with and whose words I will read as time permits ... commitment to one another is what its all about. Be well, ken cool smile

04-24-2009 at 01:45:35 AM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

It's very sad that people like that can't obviously stand themselves so they have to rip others apart! That's right! They either hate you because they know your work out shines theirs, or they hate themselves because they're NOT YOU!!! Think on that!! I agree that the rating system should be changed and am glad it's being done! I don't care if they've had the audacity to do this to mine. I know who I am as a writer, and it's their loss if they dont want to take time out to know us as writers before they rate our work so unintelligently and with no class or merit. It's only their opinion we just have to show them it doesn't validate or invalidate us as writers/poets. We're going to keep writing because it's our passion and they can piss off!
Brielle cool mad mad tongue wink

04-28-2009 at 03:21:58 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

Fellow Poets

I'm new here and I didn't understand this rating system at all. I still don't. I was writing comments just to have them clipped off because of the word limit. I wasn't even rating poems at all. I just found out what that was the other day.

I was once in a forum where you couldn't post until you gave three critiques. Not just comments, real critiques about the opening, the turning point and the closure or the poem. Many wanted to get into the workshop and then couldn't handle it, and left because they wanted nothing but praise. But it was a great workshop with a lot of good thinkers. I learned a lot there.

Another thing that could be done is: leave an automatic marker; this would be left for every visit made to an individual site. A list of visitors whether they commented, rated, or did nothing but read. This list would be saved for the individual user of that site at will: to save or delete.

I personally don't care how I'm rated by anyone because I know I have the last say about my personal writing. I have the last insight and I know it; I can choose what is in the poem or isn't in the poem: that's my individual choice as the writer. I know I can take it or leave it without getting worked up about it. Besides I try to be polite and expect that in return.

Personally, I'm more interested in receiving a real critique; an in depth look at any one of my poems instead of rating them all with simple comments. I have poems on my site that have bounced up and down in ratings, and some that have never been rated at all. I'm really not too worried about it. It was only recently that I figured out there is some kind of contest each week which I have never entered my poems in at all. So I guess the ratings have nothing to do with my poems.

I came to this site because it looked like there were people here that were interested in writing well crafted poetry. It was suggested to me by a fellow member of the group here. I checked out the board and joined the forum; it looked that good. I have to say I've met some really open people that give their all to the craft of writing, not just commenting. And that is what I'm after as a writer. The in depth look from someone else's eyes. It's a real gift. And I try to receive it as such. And always offer it back as well. For I'm really not looking for strokes at all. I'm looking for skilled crafts people with honesty that are willing to give me who they are as a writer in a critique. Writers that look at a critique as an art form just like a poem is an art form. Unless a comment or a suggestion has a reason it's pretty much meaningless, worthless as far as I'm concerned. I'm indifferent to whether a comment is positive or negative; it means little to me. Nothing can be gained by it unless there is a strong personal reason behind it: Something to cause some thinking to happen on my part. In fact I would consider a critique a success if it just caused me to rethink the parts of my poem whether I changed anything or not. It's the analyzing that is so important from giving and receiving a critique.

a poet friend
RH Peat

Last edited by RHPeat 04-28-2009 at 03:32:48 PM

04-28-2009 at 04:39:01 PM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop


05-15-2009 at 03:26:04 AM
  • STillmatic
  • STillmatic
  • Posts: 1

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

hey i love it when they rate mine a 1. That means they jealous lol. like i said in one of my sick flos , 1 is the new 10. but anyways let the haters hate i think its hilarious they go to that length to rate all my stuff a 1. hey i must be doin something right. haha keep hating i love it.

05-16-2009 at 01:50:15 AM

Re: SITE CREATOR: This childishness needs to stop

I agree with SK and all the others, if you rate you must comment or rate and be identified, no more of the slasher or the unknown poets, do this and it will all stop and peace and harmony will come back to the site snake

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.