

  • Relief


    O how I long to beat you down with the sounds of my screams.
    And you, you will have no clue of what it means.
    You will feel my rage,
    That is now released from this cage.
    Your talk is cheap.
    Your impossible to believe, & your word, impossible to keep.
    My anger, no longer will I hold.
    I'm letting it all on you explode.
    Your so called love was to be the end,
    But now I'm broken from the bend.
    Now I shall give back what you have given me.
    I'll now pour salt on to your open wounds.
    Then maybe you'll finally see,
    That my screams come in different tunes.
    I'll scream you back to the corner you belong.
    And allow you to carry on in your helpless song.
    And now your the one praying some one hears your cry for help.
    Maybe now you'll finally see how it feels,
    To have real pain that kills.
    And no sight of relief from the chills.
    I'll scream you back away,
    That way I'm able to say,
    I'm free from your screams now and day after day.

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    talespinz commented on ScReAm


    What an intense and powerful piece. A great vent of emotions.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Micheal18’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Its not fair 1
    ScReAm 1
    Choke. 1
    My Temporary High. 0
    The Way I Choose To Remain. 0
    Your Nightmare. 0
    Your So Called Love. 0
    September. 0
    Despite the wrong. 0
    Hollow 0
    Help Me. 3
    Sow This Old Flow 1
    Smpathy 0
    I'm Better Off Without You. 0
    If Only You Knew -1
    Affection 0
    Victim 0
    My Nightmare 1

    Micheal18’s Friends (1)